The Chemistry of Life
Atomic structure
Chemical bonds (covalent, ionic, hydrogen)
Chemical bonds (covalent)
3-D methane
3-D water
Chemical bonds (ionic)
3-D salt (NaCl)
Chemical bonds - hydrogen bonds
3-D ice
Biomolecules- Carbohydrates
3-D glucose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, fats, amino acids
3-D projection glucose
Biomolecules - proteins
Protein structure
3-D protein (hemoglobin)
Biomolecules - lipids
3-D cis/trans fat

The Cell

The virtual microscope
Typical animal cell
Animal cell -flyover
Eukaryotic animal cell organelles
Cell organelle: Golgi apparatus
Web Anatomy: Self-tests: Cells
Web Anatomy: Self-test: Tissues
Cell division
Energy conversion
Cellular respiration
Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle)
Citric Acid Cycle Learning Module
Cellular respiration – Electron Transport Chain
Electron Transport Chain, Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis
Photosynthesis - light reaction
Photosynthesis - light independent reactions
Photosynthesis – electron transport chain
Cell cycle control
Cell division - meiosis
Cell division - mitosis
Comparison Mitosis/Meiosis
Transport - osmosis
Transport - diffusion
Signal transduction

Chromosomes - Karyotype, abnomalies
Mendelian Genetics - chi square
DNA structure
DNA packaging
DNA repair
DNA replication
DNA replication fork
DNA replication - how nucleotides are added
DNA replication, transcription, translation
Hershey - Chase Experiment
Meselson and Stahl experiment
DNA transcription
mRNA processing
RNA splicing
Translation -polysome
Protein synthesis
Gene information, prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes
Gene regulation - lac operon
Gene regulation - lac operon
Gene regulation - trp operon
history of genetics
infectious diseases
stem cells
Conjugation with F-plasmids

Anatomy and Physiology
Virtual pig dissection
Virtual pig dissection - The digestive system
Virtual pig dissection - The excretory system
Virtual pig dissection - The circulatory system
Virtual pig dissection - The reproductive system
Virtual pig dissection - The respiratory system
Virtual pig dissection - The nervous system
The Human Body 101
Web Anatomy
Web Anatomy: Self-test: Muscular System
Web Anatomy: Self-test: Nervous System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Endocrine System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Respiratory System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Digestive System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Excretory System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Reproductive System
Web Anatomy: Self-Test: Lymphatic System
Human Anatomy
Integumentary System -skin
Skeletal System
Skeletal System -joints
Digestive System
Mouth and throat
Muscular System
Nerve-muscle connection
Lymphatic System
Lymphatic System- flyover
Endocrine System
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System -blood
The heart
The heart - interactive physiology
Blood pressure regulation - interactive physiology
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System - ovulation
Excretory System
The Senses -taste
The Senses -vision
The Senses –smell
The Senses - hearing
ADAM - The integumentary system, skin
ADAM -The integumentary system, skin components
ADAM - The digestive system
ADAM –The digestive sytem, heartburn
ADAM - The respiratory system
ADAM – The respiratory system, gas exchange
ADAM – The respiratory system, breathing
ADAM - The respiratory system, coughing
ADAM – The respiratory system, choking
ADAM – The circulatory system, the heart
ADAM – The circulatory system, blood
ADAM – The circulatory system, blood pressure
ADAM - The circulatory system, nutrient exchange
ADAM - The circulatory system, blood cell production
ADAM - The excretory system, urination
ADAM – The muscular system, muscle types
ADAM –The muscular system, skeletal Muscle
ADAM – The nervous system, reflex response
ADAM –The skeletal system
ADAM – The Immune System
ADAM – The immune system, immune response
ADAM - The immune system, vaccines
ADAM – The immune system, allergies
ADAM - The endocrine system
ADAM - The endocrine system, adrenal system
ADAM - The nervous system, brain components
ADAM - The nervous system, seeing
ADAM – The nervous system, hearing
ADAM - The nervous system, smelling
ADAM - The reproductive system, egg cell production
ADAM - The reproductive system, sperm production

Restriction endonucleases
Recombinant DNA, PCR, Gel electrophoresis, sequencing, Gene chips, Microarrays
DNA forensics, genetic profiling, drug design, gene targeting, gene testing, human origins
genome mining
eugenics and ethical questions
Cloning a gene
Genetic engineering
Constructing vaccines